Gypsy Horse Registries & Clubs:
The Gypsy Vanner Horse Society’s mission is to bring honor, recognition, and a better understanding to one of the world’s most colorful and least understood societies and the horses they love so dearly. This registry was established to protect a vision that was born over half a century ago to create the perfect horse to pull their colorful caravans.
The California Gypsy Horse Club was founded in order to support all Gypsy Horse owners, breeders, and enthusiasts wanting to network, promote the breed, show, and enjoy their Gypsy Horses in our Golden State of California.
They host the annual California Gypsy Horse Show held at the Rancho Murieta Equestrian Facility in Sacramento, California. |
Helpful Sites:
Animal Genetics is proud to offer a comprehensive array of equine genetic tests. Our services include coat color and pattern testing, genetic disorder testing, and DNA profiling and parentage verification. These tests are widely used by breeders and horse enthusiasts alike to confirm a horse’s genotype as well as predetermine the possible genetic makeup of the offspring. Genetic testing is extremely accurate and reliable.