This colt has a heart as big as his personality and a body to match! "Moose" as he is affectionately called around the barn, is as sweet and willing a partner as you could hope for. His naturally inquisitive nature makes him a quick learner with a deep desire to connect with "His Humans". At a little over a year old he has successfully completed our Early Learning Program which includes the basics such as leading, tying, loading in the trailer, standing for the farrier and bathing but he has also been lunged with and without a saddle and done some basic baby long lining in the round pen and out on the trail. He was inspected by the GVHS in July of 2015 and received a 4 Star score of 75 with 7's and 8's across the board!
The Steamroller Colt at 16mo old |
The Steamroller Colt at 7mo old |